[논문공부] Single-cell transcriptomics reveal cellular diversity of aortic valve and the immunomodulation by PPARγ during hyperlipidemia (Nat Commun, 2022)
Valvular inflammation triggered by hyperlipidemia has been considered as an important initial process of aortic valve disease; however, cellular and molecular evidence remains unclear. Here, we assess the relationship between plasma lipids and valvular inflammation, and identify association of low-density lipoprotein with increased valvular lipid and macrophage accumulation. Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals the cellular heterogeneity of leukocytes, valvular interstitial cells, and valvular endothelial cells, and their phenotypic changes during hyperlipidemia leading to recruitment of monocyte-derived MHC-IIhi macrophages. Interestingly, we find activated PPARγ pathway in Cd36+ valvular endothelial cells increased in hyperlipidemic mice, and the conservation of PPARγ activation in non-calcified human aortic valves. While the PPARγ inhibition promotes inflammation, PPARγ activation using pioglitazone reduces valvular inflammation in hyperlipidemic mice. These results show that low-density lipoprotein is the main lipoprotein accumulated in the aortic valve during hyperlipidemia, leading to early-stage aortic valve disease, and PPARγ activation protects the aortic valve against inflammation.
🔥 논문요약
Hyperlipidemia 시에 면역세포, VIC(valvular interstitila cell), VEC(valvular enothelial cell)의 compositional 및 phenotypic 변화가 일어남을 확인함. Ldlr -/- (hyperliidemia 유도) mouse에서 pro-inflammatory MHCII high macrophage가 증가함. Cd36+ EC에서 PPARγ pathway activation 되면서 aortic valve의 monocyte와 macrophage 축적을 억제함.
Aorta cell type 구성정리
1. Immune cell (Macrophage, T cell, B cell, Dendritic cell)
🍎 Macrophage
- 이 논문에서는 가장 크게 MHCII hi, CD11C+ macrophage와 MHCII lo, CD206+ macrophage로 구분함. (아마 M1 like, M2 like로 묶일 것 같음)
- Single cell RNA sequencing 결과를 토대로 macrophage를 더 세분화해서 구분함.
- Cluster 마다 heterogeneity가 크다고 밝히면서, 총 5개의 cluster-specific expressed genes과 pathway를 보여줌.
- Trem2, Lpl, Fabp5 등의 gene을 발현하고 lipid handling pathway가 두드러지게 나타나는 cluster: foamy macrophage라고 함.
- Foamy macrophage: 거품 세포라고 불리며 지질을 포함하는 세포임. plaque를 형성하여 동맥경화증을 유발하고 심근경색과 뇌졸중을 일으킬 수 있다고 알려짐. M2-like macrophage로서 지방이 많음. LDL을 포함하고 있으며, 현미경으로 관찰하면 거품 모양의 형태를 띄고 있는 것을 볼 수 있음.
2. Endothelial cell (Cd36+ EC, Edn1+ EC, Prox1+ EC, Fgfr3+ EC, Pdpn+ EC, unknown)
- Cd36+ EC, Prox1+ EC, Fgfr3+ EC가 차지하는 비율이 가장 높음
- Hyperlipidemia 시, Cd36+ EC가 두드러지게 증가함.
- Prox1+ EC는 fibrosa side, Fgfr3+ EC는 ventricularis side에 위치하고, Cd36+ EC의 위치는 특정한 패턴이 없음.
- Public data를 토대로 subtype을 검증함. (Kalluri et al.)